June 25, 2024

Primary Day in Albany, June 25

This is a day that has been anticipated by many in New York State, but also by me — & my mail carriers. 

Since the “primary season” started up I have received 41 fliers in the mail or left on my door step; the height of the stack is 1/2”, total weight is 1lb. Forty-one is probably not a huge number by some standards, but 1 from each candidate would be enough. When they first began arriving I thought cynically that I would determine for whom I would vote by the number of flyers I received — the candidates with the most flyers would get my votes, sort of like voting itself. But despite what some who know me would say, I’m not that cynical.

I am in the 106 Assembly district; my (former) representative for that district (& neighbor), Pat Fahy, is now running for a Senate seat & the field then is wide-open. There are 6 candidates running for that seat, & 5 of them sent me flyers (I got none from Jack Flynn). Gabriella Romero wins the prize for sending me the most flyers (10), with Dustin Reidy following with 9. The others were Ginnie Farrell & Andrew Joyce, both sent me 5 flyers each; Owusu Anane sent 4, he also has the distinction of sending the largest flyer (8 1/2” x 14”). Most flyers were from all candidates for all offices were 6” x 11”. Romero had the most unusual flyer, one she sent early on that was a color-by-numbers of wildflowers of New York, which I think I’ll save for some Wintry day when I’m unable to get out.

As for candidates for other offices, Lee Kindlon for District Attorney sent 3 flyers, while David Soares sent only 1, which as I said earlier should be enough. There are 3 openings for Albany County Family Court, Judge Ricja Rice sent 2 flyers & Jeff Jamison sent 2; I didn’t hear from the other candidates.

Electioneering is one of many things that make America great already. But enough is enough (or, too much).  So I guess it's time to toss them (except for the Romera color-by-numbers) in the re-cycling bin & clear off my kitchen table. And wait for the election flyers for November.

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