When we finally got going again, Ivy Johnson read a series of her short poems, then Austin Alexis with his hospital/AIDS poems, Douglas Manson with some "table" poems, & Stacy Szymaszek from her book Hyperglossia (Litmus Press). I began to realize that some of the poets were leaving my head fuzzy while others spoke to me. The pattern for the day so far was short, fragmentary poems, but while some were mechanical exercises others dealt with the sometimes fragmentary nature of modern, particularly urban, experience. Mina Pam Dick's fragements came from her living in the city & were saturated with her presence -- good stuff, not just clever words.
I regret missing my friends Katie Yates & Ammiel Alcalay as I was stashing my stuff, but was pleased to catch Jim Dunn who included in his reading a tribute to Garrit Lansing, as well as some of Garrit's own poems. The move to the courtyard exchanged the problem of a crammed, hot space with the danger of rain on our books (there was a brief sprinkle during the readings, but we were supplied with plastic tarps to protect our wares), & a very noisy gravel surface. But overall it was good to be outside & everyone was good-natured about the crunch-crunch while poets were reading. I wish I could've stayed on into the evening for more poets, but even my poetical ass gets sore & I did need a drink & dinner. & I give a lot of credit to my son Jack for hanging out with his old Dad.
Back again on Sunday, a better day for weather & the gravel quieted somewhat with some carpet & plywood -- you live & learn. It was a day of slightly longer sets, from Paul Foster Johnson, Eric Gelsinger (whom we've seen in Albany reading for Flim Forum Press), Joanna Sondheim, & Tracey McTague. I'm not usually a big fan of singer-songwriter entertainers, but perhaps it's because Alan Semerdjian is also a poet that I found his work so interesting. Martha King read a prose memoir, "A Little Tale of Family & War, 1977" that referenced the work of her husband, Basil King, who read after me & just before the panel. But in the meantime Brendan Lorber gave us his humorous, ironic urban tales. I followed reading poems by A.P.D. poets Anthony Bernini & Mary Kathryn Jablonski. Basil King's poems were, like Martha's, a memoir of his life & work as a visual artist.
The poetry continued with Corina Copp, followed by the random everyday experiences of stalwart Lewis Warsh.
Just too, too much poetry for a body to bear, but exhilarating to be among so much word-energy, & a great counter to stuffier venues taking place elsewhere. I think the short answer to the panel discussion was the community of poets & small presses gathered here together in the courtyard of Unnameable Books & in the other venues throughout the City during Boog City Festival. If you're in NYC you can pick up copies of Boog City at lots of the hip places, or visit the website. Thanks David.
P.S. You can check out more images on my Flickr! site.
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