A small group gathered at Valentine's, with Phillip Levine making the trip up from Woodstock. Our host,
el Presidente! Thom Francis.
The first reader was
Don Levy with his commentary on a recent media storm, "Little Miss Rachael Ray is a Terrorist." His second poem was one of those "only in New York" moments, "What Happens in Port Authority Stays in Port Authority." And he ended with a brand new piece about how he became gay, "Everything is Coming Up Roses for Me & for You."
I paid tribute to the recent visit from Charlie Rossiter with "At the Garfield Park Conservatory," then, for tomorrow's anniversary, Tom Nattell's "Hiroshima."
Phillip Levine is the work-horse of the Woodstock poetry scene, with a reading & open mic
every Monday night & the monthly (second Saturday) reading at the Town Hall. He did a nice variety of new (?) pieces, the first began with an artist's statement & sounded like Samuel Beckett (in his novels), "At Oblique Angles Sliced Thin;" then a tender poem addressed to Mary Panza (who was at the bar, but not reading tonight), "Bending Towards You on Purpose;" & ended with a poem even more experimental than the other 2, "Poet on Point."
Brief can be good, enough poetry, then home.
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