July 7, 2021

2nd Sunday @ 2, June 13

Nancy Klepsch was back on with full steam, a very good thing, because I showed up late & missed a lot (my son Jack was in town to visit his mother & stopped by for a while). 

Susan Jewell was the first I got to hear & she read 2 poems from her attempts to win the big prize from the ongoing Rattle ekphrastic contest, poems titled “There You Are” & “Witness.”  

Bob Sharkey’s prose piece titled “Monaural” was a trip down memory lane inspired by his 50th college reunion with memory of the records he used to play on a little record-player.

If I heard this right, Julie Lomoe said she was going to read a summary of a short story a pandemic era piece about being kicked out of a Zumba class, then, asking for a little more time, a minute or so & spent it rambling. 

I was able to sneak onto the list to read 2 poems “Stardust is Us” & the more recent “Backyard Sutra.”

Sydney Allen was next with what she called “flashbacks,” one titled “Help for Rhonda” after the beach boys song, then an untitled piece also flashing back.

Anthony Farley was the last reader & read a prose response to the motto of the nation Jamaica “Out of Many One People” pointing out the irony in the historic killing off of the native Arawak (Taino) people.

This monthly series started out at the Arts Center on River St. in Troy but, like everyone else, went on Zoom in early 2020. For now, it is still on Zoom, but check the Facebook page, 2nd Sunday @ 2 for any changes. Speaking of Zoom, there are still some poets out there, after a year & a half, who just don’t seem to get it, supposedly smart people otherwise, but clueless & annoying when they sit in front of their computer screen. But let's face it, we will always, like God or our Guardian Angel, have Zoom with us now.


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