January 3, 2011

New Year Butterfly

I don't know what to make of this. Sunday after I had taken my Xmas tree down & was cleaning up in the kitchen, I saw this butterfly on the rim of my tea cup. Where does a butterfly come from in January? Why in my house?

I had a brief moment of panic as I recalled that the ancient Greeks depicted the soul/spirit/breath (psyche) leaving the body at death as a butterfly, & wondered whose soul had wandered into my house (& on New Year's Eve I had seen the recent movie "The American" in which the final image is of a pale butterfly flying off into the forest as the character played by George Clooney dies).

The butterfly stayed in my kitchen. I put sugar on the counter for it, but later found it dead in the middle of the floor.

As we used to say in college, "This must be symbolic of something."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. threnodically
    guided confided
    as one might
    with the wind
    wearing words
    like skins
    with the long clarity
    that rust eats
    one molecule
    at a time
    at each cycle's end
    each pinch
    each bend
    to a moment paused
    or lingered sweetly in
    no amount of sugar
    or goodwill sometimes
    can bind what
    flutters by
    in a moment
    when clutter
    goes in a wave

    ...thanks again dan, i didn't know your blog could be so entertaining...

  3. my guess is that the cocoon came in with your christmas tree and it hatched in the warmth of your house...or something creepy is going on...Howard
