February 15, 2010

Live from the Living Room, February 10

With Don Levy our host at the Capital District Gay & Lesbian Community Center.

The featured poet was Margot Malia Lynch, poet & roller derby queen ("Mathundra Storm" with the Hellions of Troy). Her poems are first-thought-best-thought stream of consciousness personal manifestos like in "Original Sparks" where she declaims "I am my own shaman." I watched her turn & flip the piece of paper that she had written the poem "Polish Me" on, where she compares herself to a pearl, an original poem scrap. Then on to the ambulatory "Love Walk", & writing poems in "The Electric Moment" with its reference to the Olympic games, then ended with a revenge rant, riffing off her name. She enjoyed the informal setting, the circle of poets & we enjoyed her poems.

I read in the open mic, wearing it, "My Scarf" (a poem is the best revenge), then from my new chapbook from Benevolent Birds Press boundless abodes of Albany "Decoupage Me", then the new poem "The Visit." AC Everson read from her chapbook Love AC Style, "Sweet Dreams;" I love her Valentine standard,"Cupid is a Bastard" even without the piñata; then another piñata piece, "Music Lover."

Jason Crane announced that he has a manuscript accepted by Foothills Publishing & read "Maple Leaf" on his old home, then (another) poem on knitting, "It Isn't the Fashioning", & "At Mr. Frost's in Vermont" (what Don called "a good Robert Frost poem"). Don finished it off for the night with 2 poems, the hilarious "Underwear Boi Wonder," then one inspired by my Blog (so he said) "Hey This is My Street Corner You Poetry Skank!" dedicated to RM Engelhardt.

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