June 3, 2009

Walt Whitman Birthday Reading, May 31

The annual event at the Robert Burns statue in Washington Park, Albany, NY, sponsored this year by the Poetry Motel Foundation & the Hudson Valley Writers Guild. Thank you everyone for sharing your evening, braving the cold & holding on in the wind -- Our readers, many reading more than once, were:

Dan Wilcox,
Cynthia Whitman(!),
Bob Sharkey,
Sally Rhoades,
Mary McCarthy (in photo),
Gene Damm,
Jamie Jo,
Frank Robinson,
Russell Crouse,
Susan Pedo,
Bernadette Mayer,
Philip Good,
Matt Galletta,
Cheryl Rice,

Mimi Moriarty (in photo),
Michael McCabe,
Lorre Smith,
Tom Ross (section 33, the longest, all by himself),
Alan Caslne,
Harvey Havel,
Kevin McCarthy
(& Ted & Rezsin Adams on the bench the entire reading)

& check out what the Albany Times-Union wrote in an editorial on that morning, & this photo published later in the week.


  1. Way to go--great event and wonderful to have that editorial appear in support

  2. Nice photo of you, Dan!! It was great to be there, even tho it was so damn cold!!! And can you believe Michael read?? That doesn't happen often these days...xoC

  3. Actually, I do believe that is a photo of Mary McCarthy, not myself. Mimi

  4. Mimi,
    it's definitely you in the bottom photo.
