August 23, 2008

"Live from the Living Room," August 13

Another cozy, straight-friendly night in the living room of the Capital District Gay & Lesbian Community Center, with Uncle Don Levy as our host.

The delicious featured poet was NicoleK who just jumped into her poems with little introduction, beginning with "My Dog Fred." The dilemmas of dating & waiting in cafes were hot topics. She also shared some poems from her "everything is so fucked series". And we discovered how much she likes the word "delicious" -- "Waiting is Delicious" & "Ice Cream is Fucking Delicious" are 2 examples. Tasty, I say.

We are used to hearing Mimi Moriarty's poems about her father, but tonight it was her mother, with "Hymn of the Moth" & "Photo from a Daughter's Wedding." Alan Catlin read 2 poems with the same title "Looking Out a Dirty Window at Nothing at All," the first about his mother alone in Manhattan, the second about the dark, urban sights out a bus window.

Matt Galletta was back with one quirky piece, "There's So Much We Haven't Planned For." Kristen Day read 2 favorites, "Food Court," & "The Elvis Connection." My 2 poems were the still-hand-written "The Cardinal" & the old "Shaker Hymn." Bob Sharkey "Suddenly" saw a deer on Peebles Island, & the 5th in his "PTSD" series, "The Sergeant."

Don Levy read 2 new poems, "Isn't it Bromantic" & the one he read earlier in the month at Valentine's, "Everything's Coming Up Showtunes for Me & for You."

Join Don every second Wednesday at the GLCC on Hudson Ave. in Albany, bring a couple poems & hang out.

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